If you are suffering with a wart, we offer safe and effective treatment that will remove the condition and restore soft and flawless skin. The best treatment option for you will be confirmed by your doctor after a full assessment of your condition. Anaesthesia may be given before removal but isn’t always necessary, as there is minimal discomfort during the treatment. The healthy skin around your wart or verruca will be intact.


A highly targeted beam of laser light is aimed at the wart. The energy from the laser heats up the blood vessels feeding the problem area, which collapse in on themselves as a result and stop the blood supply. This starves the wart of nutrients so it naturally falls off after a few weeks.

Even if your warts have failed to respond to other treatments in the past, you are very likely to enjoy great results with laser wart removal. Particularly stubborn warts may require 5 or more treatments, but it is very rare that a wart refuses to budge completely.


The wart is carefully cut out using a surgical procedure. This procedure can be done under local anaesthetic and will require a small stitch in the skin.